Gender, embodiment and fluidity in organization and management / edited by Robert McMurray and Alison Pullen. - xi,111 pages ; 24 cm. - Routledge focus on women writers in organization studies .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

"Where classical mainstream writing has often presumed, or pretended, that organizational actors are predominantly men, the authors covered in this book challenge this presumption, as well as its implications for the ways in which we think about and enact organizing, managing, leading and working. From the five levels of gendered processes of organization identified by Acker through to Irigaray's philosophy of the feminine, the idea of a singular masculine subject that dominates organizing is deconstructed. Writers such as Irigaray also remind us that the body as well as the mind is central to organizing, with de Beauvoir's account of the 'otherness' of women in organizational contexts, and Kristeva's work on abjection, shedding new light on dominant orders. Recent theorising in queer and transgender studies - epitomised by the work of Judith/Jack Haberstam and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - highlight that the bodies and gender are themselves fluid constructions. Together these themes demonstrate how our understanding of organizing can be transformed when other voices, bodies and genders write about what it is to work, live, lead and relate to ourselves and others. This book will be relevant to students and researchers across business and management, organizational studies, critical management studies, gender studies and sociology"--

in english



Organizational sociology.
Sex role.
Queer theory.

HM786 / .G46 2020
